Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahoo (Lyrics and Video)

Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahoo

Did you listen to this beautiful old Pakistani Milli Naghma?

If not yet, don’t miss it!

Find the lyrics of Rang laye ga shaheedon ka lahoo song in Urdu and Roman and you can also find the video of the song immediately below.




Watch Video:

Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahoo Lyrics in Urdu:

Here are the lyrics of the song we prepared in Urdu and offered for you guys.

Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahoo Lyrics




Rang Lae Ga Shaheedo Ka Lahu Lyrics in Roman:

Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahoo
Ye Lahu Surkhi Hai Azadi Ke Afsaane Ki
Ye Shafaq Rang Lahu
Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahoo
Jis Ke Har Qatre Mein Khursheed Kai
Jis Ki Har Boond Mein Yak Subah Nai
Door Jis Subhe Darakhshaan Se Andhera Hoga
Raat Kat Jaye Gi Gul Rang Sawera Hoga
Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahu
Apni Raftar Ko Ab Or Zara Taiz Karo
Apne Jazbaat Ko Kuch Or Junoon Khaiz Karo
Ik Do Gaam Pe Ab Manzil e Azadi Hai
Aag Aur Khoon Ke Udhar Aman Ki Abadi Hai
Khud Bakhud Toot Ke Girti Nahin Zanjeer Kabhi
Badli Jaati Hai Badalti Nahin Taqdeer Kabhi
Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahu
Jis Ke Har Qatre Mein Khursheed Kayi
Jis Ki Har Boond Mein Yak Subah Nayi
Door Jis Subah e Darakshan Se Andhera Hoga
Raat Kat Jaye Gi Gul Rang Sawera Hoga
Rang Laye Ga Shaheedon Ka Lahoo






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