Chand Roshan Chamakta Sitara Rahe Original Song


Here are the lyrics of one beautiful national song ” Chand Roshan Chamakta Sitara Rahay, Sab Se Ooncha Ye Jhanda Hamara Rahe”. Let’s watch the original video of the song, read or download the lyrics and enjoy the old and gold Pakistani milli naghme.




Chand Roshan Chamakta Sitara Lyrics in Urdu

Chand Roshan Chamakta SItara Rahe Lyrics in Urdu



Lyrics in Roman:

chand roshan chamakta sitara rahe
sab se oncha ye jhanda hamara rahe

is jhande se ab qaum ki laaj he
is jhande pe sab ki nazar aaj he

jaan se kiun na ham ko ye piara rahe
chand roshan chamakta sitara rahe

sab se oncha ye jhanda hamara rahe
apni izzat ka ghairat ka he ye nishan

ye hamara he ham is ke hen pasban
himmaton ke lye ye sahara rahe

chand roshan chamakta sitara rahe
sab se oncha ye jhanda hamara rahe

jab talak dam me dam he ye lehrae ga
dekh lena ye dunia pe cha jae ga

chand izzat ka is ki khudara rahe
chand roshan chamakta sitara rahe

sab se oncha ye jhanda hamara rahe
sab se oncha ye jhanda hamara rahe





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